Hopefully I still have some readers out there... I did not mean to neglect you for so long. As it has been some time, I thought I would just update you slightly on my life.
After a frantic dash (read: limping) to the finish line, I submitted my Ph.D. on the 30th of September. Unbeknownst to me, I had to hand it in by this date or I would be considered as a statistical fail. Whilst this would mean very little to me, this meant a lot to the university as it could affect future funding or grant allocations. As one who always wishes to fall in-line, I naturally did all in my power to finish by this date.... even if the quality of my work suffered. I always maintained, throughout my Ph.D., that if given the choice of either rushing to finish my work on time or being more deliberate and being overdue that I would choose deliberate and overdue every time. After all, I am putting my name to this thing. Naturally, when push came to shove, I cowered and did what I could to appease the people above me. This meant about 2 weeks of very little sleep, but at least it was done - albeit with loads of corrections still to make.
In the meanwhile, volleyball was still going on. As I was not finished by the start of term, I am, once again, enrolled as a student. That meant another year of BUSA (now BUCS) volleyball. Sigh. To try to distance myself I decided that my best role for the team may actually be to coach instead of play. After all, there are younger players out there that deserve a shot and I will not always be here. I might as well pass on whatever wisdom I have so that the club can continue to be self-serving. We're about mid-way through the season right now and the results have been mixed. I have questioned my ability to lead and coach athletes without actually being on the floor myself. It has left me quite conflicted, but the team itself is quite young and I hope that we can pull it together soon. Stay tuned for more updates on this matter...
In addition to finishing the Ph.D. and the start of the volleyball season, I had the impending move out of my flat AND the expiration of my visa hovering over my head! My flatmates were moving out for their own reasons and as of 18 Oct 2010, I would have no where to live. Unfortunately, having been in uni for 10 (straight) years (this is my 11th), I had an idea of where I wanted to live and under what conditions. So whilst I knew about the move for about a month, it took me precisely that long to find a place to live. But now all is good there though I'm probably paying more than I should and/or want to. As for the visa, that was renewed as well, but not without complications. I could have (and probably should have) re-applied for a student visa so that I could continue to work in the UK... however, that was going to set me back £357 and a lot of wasted hassle with applications, etc. Instead, I decided to get a visitors visa. One that would allow me to be here without paying the £357 but it meant I couldn't work. The only requirement was that I had to leave the UK and re-enter. As such, I selected Stockholm as I had always wanted to go and now I had my excuse. In the end it probably cost me more to travel there than it would have for my visa application, but at least I got to see somewhere new.
This has been my life in the smallest of nutshells... I look forward to sharing more with you in the near future and at a more consistent rate.