So the day had come. I rented a car in advance so that I wouldn't be late. or even risk the chance of being late. I wanted to be sure. And the last thing I wanted was to walk and show up sweating buckets. That would have put me off immediately. I woke up extra early and made my way to the the Sports Tech Institute. I didn't risk eating breakfast in case of indigestion. And I had thought that it was only going to be a couple hours so it wouldn't be long until I ate anyway (oh and I also secretly thought there would be snacks as it was common to see cookies!). Well, nothing really turned out like I thought it would. There were no tricky philosophical questions. Instead, they were sound, probing questions that really made sure I understand what I did and why. The two hour mark at which I had hoped to finish was actually now the half-way point. The bathroom break, if you will. I can remember thinking at this time: "what have i done?.. what a massive error on my part to do a ph.d.!!!" But throughout the process, my answers were free-flowing and never forced. Perhaps, I actually was ready. Three and a half hours later and the interrogation was over. I had struggled to hold back a smile on my face when I knew the end was near... questions on chapter 10 were like music to my ears.
And then came the decision. There was no x-factor type suspense. Straight in: you've passed. Congratulations. Time to smile, I thought. There were minor corrections as can be expected from most ph.d's. The important thing was: additional data collection was not required. Just the overall presentation needed to be cleaned up, and this was something I was fine with since the original hand-in was a bit rushed. But that was that, and all of a sudden, I'm not longer a Mr.... I may just become a Dr!
Now, I secretly thought that champagne would rain down from the heavens and that I would be given a key to a secret underground society on campus that only other fellow doctors were a part of. That did not happen, and NO, it does not seem unreasonable to suggest. In the absence of these perks, I think the change in initials will suit me just fine.