Friday 1 January 2010

a new year, but i'm still me.

Being my first entry, there was a bit of worry that this would set the tone for the remainder of my entries, but I can assure you that this will be the exception rather than the norm. It’s just that I wanted you all to know a bit more about me before we got the proverbial ball rolling. I just thought it would be much easier to talk about things that ‘grind my gears’ as opposed to the things I enjoy (that’s a much more complicated process!). Besides, what better way is there to usher in the new year than with a little cynicism! Without further adieu, here is a list of pet peeves (in no particular order):

• People who stop at the bottom of staircases, in doorways, or in the hallway after getting off a plane,
• People who are impatient at the airport,
• Double standards,
• People who expect foreigners to adopt their culture, but then when they go abroad, act like how they would at home,
• Unnecessary cleanliness, swearing and/or arguing,
• People that can’t take a joke,
• Rain,
• Throwing cigarette butts on the ground… actually, littering in general,
• People who can't speak the native language in jobs that depend on it (i.e. telephone customer service representatives).

We all have our 'things' and those are mine. It's not pretty, but its who I am.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't there that famous quote by Maya Angelou "I’ve learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he or she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights." what would stating rain as one of your pet peeves say about your personality?
