I generally tend to travel by myself. Sometimes out of necessity, but sometimes out of convenience. In fact, given the choice in the past, I would probably have preferred travelling by myself. It is just so much easier; you don't need to plan around someone else's schedule, hoping that they want to see the same things and for the same amount of time you do and you don't risk alienating them by sometimes choosing to do, buy or eat expensive things. But also, you learn to hang out with yourself. And I don't mean in the third person. I think sometimes we are too afraid to be by ourselves and really enjoy the solitariness of our own company. That may sound a bit depressing, but how can we expect others to like us, if we do not like ourselves (a bit introspective and philosophical, but I somewhat believe this). Turns out, I like the person I have become and hope that others do too.
Recently, I've experienced a paradigm shift in my way of thinking with regards to solo travel. While my love for travel has definitely not waned, my enjoyment for solo travel has. Perhaps its my age or maybe I'm starting to dislike myself, but with each subsequent trip that I seem to go on, I come to the same conclusions... I wish I could share this with someone. Not to sound funny, but I go to some pretty amazing places (for example now I am blogging in Cape Town), and not being devoid of sense and emotion, I can't help but feel envious when I see couples enjoying these moments together. Maybe I have become too comfortable with travelling alone that I may not make the transition easily, but I'll definitely give it a shot! Just one slight problem though...