Sunday 16 September 2012

The eternal student

So by most accounts, I'm an educated man.  Pieces of paper tell me so.  Capital letters in combination with lower case letters and 'periods' at the end of my name also come to the same conclusion.  Am I overly smart?  Probably not.  I think I'm definitely better than average, but I don't think it's IQ or anything like that which separates me.  Ultimately, I think I just love learning.  I like knowing something about everything.  Granted there are a lot of topics I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of, but there isn't much that doesn't interest me in at least a cursory way.  I think what happened is that I found some things that really interested me and I have tried to explore them more deeply.  That really gets in the way of learning about pretty much anything else.  Luckily, I have now found Stanford's Free Online Courses (thanks Sarah, if you read this!).  Whilst there are probably loads of free courses out there, having Stanford's name attached to it creates an allure than I cannot readily describe.  Maybe it's just that it's cool.  Or that it is taught by real faculty at the university.  Who knows.  Either way, I have gotten myself involved.  I'm taking two classes: finance and creativity.  In a lot of ways, this helps my transition into a more industrial workforce which is what interests me at present.  Not that I dislike academia, but I think it's time for a change.  Time to see how people with money and no restraints do things.  I've always been interested in finance and I dabble (well, more than dabble) in the stock market.  So that one makes sense.  As for the creativity... well.. I've never actually been the most creative.  I am good at executing but not necessarily the best at coming up with my own concepts.  I'm not sure what I expect to come out of this but can't hurt to see what may be locked away in this (awesome) brain of mine.  Either way, this excites me.  And it helps my end goal: never stop learning.      

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