Monday, 17 May 2010

It must be tough.

I must admit, every time I watch Super Nanny, my first thought is, 'wow, this is crap television'. Before my second thought, I would like to begin this post, like many others, with a good preface. I cannot claim to be an expert in this field (or in many, if any, others for that matter), but this is something that I have a strong opinion about. Furthermore, I am not a parent so my views may not be entirely accurate, but this is how I see it. Anyway, as I was saying, my second thought... 'man it must be tough... to be a parent these days'.

Kids, myself included, have had it very easy. And I don't mean easy because we didn't have to work on the farm or walk to school for hours each day. I mean easy because we've always been given the benefit of the doubt. On the other hand, parents... parents have had their every move scrutinized. There is always someone looking over their shoulder telling them what they have done wrong or what they are about to do wrong. Meanwhile, kids live their lives like it it's the OC or 90210 without a care in the world. Kids, these days, know their options and know what parents can and cannot do and they play on this all the time it seems. Parents don't stand a chance, really. They don't yell or discipline because they're afraid of pushing their children away or rebelling against them. At the same time, they wear any of their child's misgivings on their sleeve for all to see. They know that, though it is not fair in this day in age, the way their children grow up is a direct reflection of themselves as parents and as people. I guess, all I can hope for in the future is that, I too, was a good parent.

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