Friday, 13 May 2011

Do bad things really come in bunches?

For those close to me, you will know that this has not been a great month. Not for any one thing in particular, but it has seemingly been a never-ending episode of "murphy's law" (and I do not mean the sitcom starring candice bergen). But after giving this some more thought, does this really happen or does our perspective on life change with each setback? That is, do we actively look for the bad in every situation to reinforce our run of bad 'luck'. Once a single bad event occurs (this can be something as small as finishing your business on the toilet only to realise there is no toilet paper!), I think we are already pre-programmed to look for the next sign of something bad to confirm that a 'bad day' is coming. It gives us an 'out' for the rest of the day; but not only that, it is so easy to do so. People will empathize because everyone has had a 'bad' day. Now, I am in no way down-playing bad days, as they do exist and most with more than an acceptable reason. I just suppose that in the battle of 'good-day vs. bad-day', I think we could all fight harder for the former. And I will definitely do so in my own reflection of this month.

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